The 2016 Old Hickory Poker Run hosted by the Tennessee Powerboat Club was another HUGE success! How many boats? Who really knows 200+ I am not sure it matters because what was really evident was the fact that it didn’t matter if you were there in a flat bottom john boat or a million dollar Skater….You belonged and the overwhelming hospitality of everyone was infectious.
Powerboat Nation was privileged to be hosted onboard “War Party” a beautiful 39 CIGARETTE GTS owned by our great friend Bubba, and along with Co Captain Stan, both of these guys were fantastic and we were honored to be invited aboard.

This years event did mark the significant sense of loss as many of the participants wore commemorative T shirts emblazoned with the Saddle Up logo to remember Anthony and Tammy Reece and raise money for their memorial fund. CLICK HERE: Anthony and Tammy Reece Memorial Fund This fund was established by Chad Collier who chairs and organizes the Old Hickory Fun Run. Thousands of dollars were raised for all the event charities as well as money for the memorial fund.
Nashville brings a unique and different experience to powerboating and from the event party downtown on Broadway, to the multiple rafts ups, and the final night auction no one could say they didn’t have fun. Rain? Whatever, its only water and it didn’t make one bit of difference other than we got to cruise slow, blast the stereo and have a great time with great friends!
Lots of Pictures: Click Here for the Galleries and come back to see more of the Old Hickory Fun Run!