The 2015 Poker Run season is upon us and it is going to be a great year! The Tickfaw 200 is an absolutely fabulous run and it cant and wont be missed by Powerboat Nation.
This year PowerBoatNation has teamed up with SunBuns and we are ready to bring you a Party that as well cant be missed. SunBuns has undergone a renovation and is the place to be. Located on Manchac Pass. Sunbuns is a bar in Manchac like none other on Earth! They serve the best food , the best drinks and bring the best fun! RULES?? The only rule is you MUST HAVE FUN!
The entire PowerBoatNation is anxious for this one. LIve Music-Girls, Fast Boats-Girls, Fun in LA-Girls, and a Bikini Contest with CASH prizes-Girls…….
We cant wait to get back to Louisiana and everyone that rolls out with Powerboat Nation is sure to have a GRAND TIME.
Check out SunBuns early at the Grand Opening 18 April! and prepare to May!