FACT: L.E.D lights are brighter , Last Longer, and draw less current. In an application like boating where being seen could mean the difference between safety and a catastrophe its no doubt the new generation of nautical lights is the only way to go. The folks at Hardin marine have just debuted a new easier to install yet smaller more compact USCG approved L.E.D Bow light. With bezels these lights can even be retro-fitted to earlier application.

These new lights are crafted from 316L stainless steel material and have entirely encapsulated electronics keeping them safe from the harshest of marine weather and elements yet providing thousands or hours of L.E.D lighting success.

We had a chance to get our hands on a set and do a quick product review so let us know what you think and here’s to a great boating season.

You can buy these lights here.