In an effort to further promote the camaraderie and pure fun of powerboating events these days, Tristan Collins Garvin and Yvonne Aleman, both well respected women in our powerboating family, are taking the wheel and throttles of the new Wozencraft 30′ Skater at the LOTO Shootout this month!

In an event primarily male, it’s always great to see such strong women getting behind the throttles of a brand new Skater to show us all that no matter who you are, powerboating is a past-time and a sport that we can all enjoy.

“Our true motivation is promoting the sport of power boating, having fun, and oh yea.. a bit of girl power too!” – Devin Wozencraft

The girls are planning on doing some trial runs before the event with Tyson Garvin to see what they’re comfortable with before tackling the actual shootout. According to Devin Wozencraft, his boat is sporting Twin Merc 300XS Optimax outboards which he surmises can push the boat to a little over 100 mph. But Devin’s focus is not on the speed. It’s on the outreach.

“I think this is a great sport and I have a true passion for boating.  I was raised boating with my family having lake boats.  I am fortunate to work in an industry I love.  I get to go to boating events with friends, build new relationships, promote Wozencraft Insurance, and get paid to do it.” 

That’s what it’s all about for Devin, Tristan, and Yvonne, and we’re already looking forward to seeing the duo push it to the limit in the shootout just right around the corner! So make sure you grab a seat and look for the boat out on the water, but don’t forget to stop on by the Wozencraft booth at the street party Wednesday or give ’em a quick wave on the following Poker Run.

We’re all one powerboating family, and it’s time that family grew!