So we are guessing another Offshore Powerboating Forum doesn’t like the truth to be told. In what started out as an amicable relationship and effort to support the boating industry, Power Boat Nation approached another Offshore forum leader with the offer to extend our extensive technical support database to their members and pay to have a banner advertisement placed upon their site to show good faith and financial return, Unfortunately during initial PowerBoat Nation press launches there was a reference made to the other Offshore boating forums that questioned their real connection with the enthusiasts who support the forums. While sitting in “Ivory Towers” and receiving millions of dollars in revenue and not giving back to the industry.
This was taken as a direct hit to the other offshore boating forum as “Full Exposure” of their business model. While the reaction reeks of acknowledgment of such, it just shows the world of Powerboating forums are about to undergo a radical righting of the ship. Powerboat Nations commitment to continually give back to its members and future advertisers will for once expose and hold those corporate bandits that pilferage the hard earned money from our Powerboating community. The question to you is: What has your forum community given back to you?