The power of the powerboating community is something you can actually feel; it is palpable. Earlier in 2015, ever friendly and willing to help boat hauler, concierge, and all around nice guy, Derek McCormick was diagnosed with cancer.

Derek planned to fight it alone and had the courage and determination to fight the battle in silence. Then powerboater extraordinaire John Woodruff heard of Derek’s situation and made a call to his contacts at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota.

Through revolutionary treatment and the support of fellow powerboaters through fundraising at various events, Derek’s recovery is in full swing and progressing positively each day. John and Derek credit the advanced treatment and care received the Mayo Clinic to be responsible for this incredible outcome.

All of us throughout the powerboat community are very happy to hear of this wonderful news. This is truly a testament to the real generosity of everyone involved. We can’t wait to see Derek at the next Poker Run!

Read the previous story here!
