Powerboating News

Powerboating News

The Latest and Greatest Powerboating News.

A Deep Impact 36 Center Console, valued over $240,000, was stolen in broad daylight over Memorial day weekend from a storage unit in East...

PowerBoatNation was privileged to be able to enjoy Memorial day in the Bahamas with the Florida Powerboat Club on the SportBoat Bahamas Poker Run....

When you buy a boat brand new and keep it for 43 years you can bet there has to be a really strong emotional...

A serious collision occurred Sunday morning at the Poker Run taking place in Leverick Bay, Virgin Gorda in the British Virgin Islands. Several people...

Florida Power Boat Clubs Makes History Land and Sea Poker Runs have been done before but this time the Florida Power Boat Club did it...

It just keeps coming back and we have more and more great content for you. It takes some time to capture it all but...

World Products is a company with a storied past. Founded in 1987, World brought the first viable aftermarket cast iron engine blocks and cylinder...

Strong Winds and a Strong turnout for race two of the SuperBoat International Offshore Race Series. This last weekend on Florida’s Space Coast brought out...

While we're always in communication with our supporters and advertisers its not that often that we all end up in one place. Luckily for...

The people of powering boating. The boats are cool and some are better than others and I know I have said it before but...

A Skater, named "Freedom," tipped over just before 2 p.m. near Brown's Ravine on Lake Folsom on Saturday. The El Dorado County Sheriff's Department...

One of the only things that can really improve the amazing quality of some of the West Coasts most stunning boats is a beautiful...