Michigan’s Boyne City is home to about ~3,700 people and the ~17,000 acre Lake Charlevoix. Though it’s known as a winter ski destination, it’s actually become a boating hotspot for the region. The Boyne Thunder Poker Run plays a big part in that as an event that has evolved in attendance from less than 40 boats to 110 strong. Even better, proceeds help fund two local charities for children. The weather was perfect, the crowd was perfect, there wasn’t much else you could ask for. Industry icons such as Peter Hledin, founder of Skater Powerboats, were in full attendance and commented on the exceptional quality of the run, with some even saying that it rivals Desert Storm. There’s not too much else to say after that claim so let these pictures from Pete/Shoot2Thrill speak for themselves: hint, they’re saying that you need to put Boyne Thunder on your poker run bucket list ASAP.

Special Thanks to Pete / Shoot2Thrill for this article’s cover image!