It looks as if the West Coast premier engine builder Alexi Sahagian is taking his years of experience in video creation and moving forward towards the limelight of Hollywood showmanship. Alexi announced that he has virtually thousands of hours of video production under his belt and an entire tech library. But more importantly he wants to showcase not only his brand’s knowledge in performance products, but also give his opinions of those items in a real time Livestream series. Sure to captivate anyone interested in this industry, the coming release of these videos is a must see for those into high performance boating.

The 30 minute Livestream series is set to run all season long, discussing products and also an uncut review about each of them. This is an opportunity for the viewer to get a true feel and handle on what they’re looking at when they find themselves shopping for such products. Alexi will also have an open discussion on miscellaneous  high performance Marine subjects from engine internals, setups, powertrains , EFI , DYNO sessions, etc…

Boostpower’s ultimate goal is to give back his lifetime of acquired industry knowledge to the public as well as promote technology and concepts used to push the industries forward.

Alexi also states that 2016 will be exciting as they plan to promote their EFI and Engine building school full force. It’s great to see a brand focused on this industry and its future with such detail and fervor.

Visit the Boostpower Livestream page here!