PowerBoatNation.com is fast becoming the place to be online to get real Powerboating enthusiast information and news.

What a ride it’s been since our inception, to our debut in Key West at the World Finals, to where we are now just six months later. Since then we have been so focused on building a unique experience for all of you, the members and the guests (lurkers) we had not really had time to take in what it was adding up too. The number of visits, new members, and return views has shown the experience in our/your community must mean something because we have been rewarded with continued leaps forward and week after week of record breaking growth.

What we want you to know is all you have seen so far is just the the beginning of what will evolve into the industries #1 Performance Marine Medium. Every day we are investing in your experience and we hope you see that when you look at our features; the PBN content on the front page, the PBN Mall, PBN Classifieds, PBN Forums, and more to come this month. Behind the scenes there is an entire team of people working to bring you the best. They are dedicated,hardworking, focused team members, and best of all they are all boaters who actually go boating and bring the perceptive and passion of boating in many different forms. We all work together to do this because we love it and are part of it.

You should also be aware our advertisers and supporters are backing some of the biggest events that will soon be coming your way. The bottom line; it’s been a great start to a fabulous run and we are in our infancy with so much more to come and nothing is going to stop us. Most of all we want you to know just how much we appreciate you. We welcome all of your comments and opinions so please keep them coming. Here’s to a fabulous 2013 boating season and thanks again for joining us to support our commitment to build you the ultimate boating web destination.